Risk Tolerance Tool
The level of risk an investor is willing to accept is called his/her “risk tolerance.” In investing money, each person has a different level of risk that they are willing to accept. For example, a conservative investor is primarily interested in making sure that they do no lose their money, while an aggressive investor is willing to accept large swings in the value of the investment portfolio in the hope of achieving higher long-term returns.
The level of risk an investor is willing to accept is called his/her “risk tolerance.” In investing money, each person has a different level of risk that they are willing to accept. For example, a conservative investor is primarily interested in making sure that they do no lose their money, while an aggressive investor is willing to accept large swings in the value of the investment portfolio in the hope of achieving higher long-term returns.
Risk Tolerance Tool as an Excel File
Please click on the link above to access the risk tolerance calculator.
The risk tolerance questionnaire is composed of 15 questions ranging from specifics about your savings behavior to hypothetical questions about how you would react to different situations. Please consider each question carefully before answering and give the response that best reflects where you are now (as opposed to where you have been in the past or would like to be in the future).
To advance to the next question, simply use the arrow keys on your keyboard, press the ‘Tab’ key, or click on the desired cell.
After you have completed all questions, your average risk tolerance will appear at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down for this).